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Engage a coach

Since before the Mindful Agility project started, we have been coaching others. Dan Greening was the head agile coach for Skype, Citrix, and other international companies. Mirela Petalli was a neurocritical care nursing instructor. Dan Dickson has been leading companies and advising executives for decades.

Within the Mindful Agility project, we practice coaching to help others, to discover the principles that work, and to grow the mindful agility coaching community.

What are some examples?

  • Coaching a public health department manager to improve project execution. The project was likely going to fail to achieve its targets. After coaching five whys analysis (a mindfulness technique), several root causes were discovered, and mitigation steps instituted. A series of low-cost sprints (an agile technique) revealed which mitigations worked and which didn’t. During this process, the manager taught mindfulness and agile techniques to her colleagues. The project more than doubled its targeted health outcomes.
  • Coaching a computer science undergraduate student to improve grades, employability, and establish strong professional networks.
  • Coaching a medical device CEO on practices to improve demonstrations of product fit and value. The company has since demonstrated superiority to alternatives in small trial on human hearts.

If you would like to engage a mindful agility coach, contact us.