The Russian war on Ukraine is in full force. Mindfulness helps us consider options objectively. Rob Coles used agile “iterations for Ukraine” to funnel donations where they are needed.
The Mindful Agility co-hosts have ties to Eastern Europe. We are coping with our own reactivity, as we interact with others less familiar with the region.
Our friend, Rob Coles, discusses how he employed an agile strategy to direct funds to individuals on the ground in Ukraine. He ran several iterations, adapting with each new discovery to send money more effectively.
To understand the challenges ahead, we can employ compassion. There are combatants, refugees, residents of war zones, anxious news consumers, and people dealing with economic upheaval. There will be more suffering coming, with refugee resettlement, people with PTSD, social and economic instability. No matter who wins, if we can even name a winner, there will be many broken pieces that will take years or generations to repair.
We can use tough challenges, like war, to explore mindfulness and agile. Mindfulness helps us discover truths hidden in plain sight. Agile helps us discover truths hidden under rocks. And through iteration, we can produce better results, through these tough times.
We end our episode with a loving-kindness meditation, for all beings affected by this war.
Charity Navigator is a site that vets charities, and provides guidance for donating to Ukraine.
Airbnb has its own Ukraine donation program, where you can provide housing for fleeing Ukrainians and others. Airbnb does not make any income from this program, providing all funds directly to home owners. Rob Coles did not use this program, but did take advantage of Airbnb’s policy not to apply fees to reservations in Ukraine.
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