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Goals and Compassion

Our goals can cause conflict with family and friends, and colleagues, customers and bosses. With compassion and iteration, we can succeed.

Our goals and environment often conflict. If we want to stop smoking, focus more on studying, or lose weight, our family and friends can present big challenges. If we want to meet with teammates daily, get feedback weekly, or honestly experiment, our colleagues, customers and bosses can also present big challenges. Compassion helps us discover their needs and even recruit them to support our goals.

Compassionate goals consider our relationships with those around us. Compassion is the ability to adopt the perspective of others. Mindfulness builds the skill of compassion. Highly compassionate people are often great negotiators and compassion can help us persist through many challenges. 

Nurse Heather faced a challenge that the rest of us encounter. She had a goal that seemed incompatible with her family and environment.  

Agile practices help us accept and even embrace low-cost failure as key to learning. Did Nurse Heather iterate? Did she fail? What was the short term cost, and was it worth it? Find out more in this episode of the Mindful Agility podcast.

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The Mindful Sprint: Weekly explorations to build insight and success.

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